Borghese Gallery Tour, Borghese Gallery, Rome Guides


The Borghese Gallery Private Tour will take you inside one of the most spectacular museums of Italy, an absolute jewel among the collections of the city of Rome. Indeed, the Gallery represents the apotheosis of 17th Century Roman art collecting, thanks to the wise and sometimes transgressive work of Cardinal Scipione Borghese, who transformed it in his artistic home.

The Gallery is located inside the Villa Borghese Pinciana, surrounded by gardens, fountains, aviaries, lemon groves and deer parks, and represents an extraordinary artistic container of Renaissance and Baroque works.

The most famous sculptures in the collection are certainly the masterpieces of a very young Gianlorenzo Bernini, master of Baroque, who will amaze you with the technique and harmony of David, the group of Aeneas, the Rape of Proserpine and Apollo and Daphne.

In addition to this, the Borghese Gallery Tour will give you the opportunity to see the paintings of Caravaggio, the “cursed painter” who used Cardinal Scipione’s authority to settle some disputes with justice. Above all, the David with the Head of Goliath and the Madonna of the Palafrenieri stand out .

Finally, we will admire the Pauline Bonaparte by Antonio Canova, neoclassical sculptor of dazzling elegance, who depicted the sister of the Emperor Napoleon as the goddess Venus, with the apple in her hand in memory of the legendary competition of Paris.

In addition, during the tour, we will visit rooms decorated with paintings by Raphael, Rubens, Domenichino, Correggio, to get to the extraordinary canvas by Tiziano Vecellio, Amor Sacro and Amor Profano, the only artist to have linked his name to two colours, red and blond.


The lenght of the Borghese Gallery Private Tour is 2 hours and 30 minutes. The maximum stay inside the Museum is 2 hours, as there are five available slots per day. No bags or drinks are allowed inside, so you have to leave them at the wardrobe at the entrance.

The Tour does not include the payment of the Borghese Gallery tickets. Reservations must be made in advance, so please contact us sending an email to let us book the tickets.

Borghese Gallery Tour, Borghese Gallery, Rome Guides
Borghese Gallery Tour, Borghese Gallery, Rome Guides
Borghese Gallery Tour, Borghese Gallery, Rome Guides
Borghese Gallery Tour, Borghese Gallery, Rome Guides
Borghese Gallery Tour, Borghese Gallery, Rome Guides

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